- Robert Miller
- May 8, 2023
I was deep in the tropical rainforest, several steps behind Bernardo Perez, my Costa Rican guide when I heard a rumble like a primordial growl behind me. Then, as though a prehistoric beast was thundering through the brush, the ground began to shake. I did a quick shoulder check. The coast was clear, but the volcano looming […]
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- Robert Miller
- May 8, 2023
Whether you’re backpacking through Central America or spending a week in the capital on business, there is no escaping the commanding presence of the volcanoes in Guatemala. With a total of 33 to choose from, these majestic peaks offer a challenge to any able-bodied traveler drawn to off-the-beaten-path experiences. BEST VOLCANOES TO HIKE IN GUATEMALA […]
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Tender Coconut Ice Cream
- Robert Miller
- May 8, 2023
Are you craving beach vibes? Don’t worry, We’ve got your back. This Tender Coconut Ice Cream is going to remind you of those South Indian beaches and coconut trees. Tender Coconut Ice Cream is super creamy and soft in texture. It just melts in your mouth from the first bite. This ice cream is purely […]
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We have to do more to ensure welfare of primates kept as pets
- Robert Miller
- May 8, 2023
It may come as a surprise to discover that it is perfectly legal in the UK to keep primates, such as marmosets, loris, capuchins or squirrel monkeys, as pets. Perhaps more surprising still is that there is no requirement to register or (in some cases) hold a licence for such exotic creatures. The UK Parliament’s […]
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Faithful Fido or fickle Felix: what determines our pet preferences?
- Robert Miller
- May 8, 2023
Pets inspire powerful emotions and strong attachments. They comfort the sick, console the lonely and entertain the children. We invite them into our families, pay their human-sized medical expenses and mourn their passing. Our preferences for them are often passionate as well. To a dog devotee cats are arrogant and frivolous. To a partisan cat […]
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